Approx Age: 3
What a wonderful pair of dogs!!
Belle is a beautiful, chocolate brown labrador bitch aged 2.5 years old. She came into rescue with her sidekick, Broxie, a stunning red labrador male aged 3 years old. Both dogs came into rescue through no fault of their own.
They are typical young labradors - bouncy, excitable, food oriented, ball/toy daft, sociable and a joy to be around. They have some basic training, for example they know how to sit and walk on the lead but given they are young dogs they would benefit from further training. Given they are both toy and food motivated this won't be difficult!!
They are very bonded and it is our hope to rehome them together. Come on, two is as easy as one.
Since their arrival they have taken part on group walks without any real problem. Broxie isn't keen on other dogs approaching him at speed but I don't like strangers running up to me and launching themselves at me either so I guess we can understand. He is not aggressive though.
He has been neutered but she needs to be spayed. They are fully vax,d, microchipped and treated for parasites. They are still undergoing assessment and require a basic health check which will be completed prior to rehoming. Please not ask us to separate them as we really want them to live together. Their joint adoption fee is £800 which goes directly to supporting dogs just like them.
If you would like to express an interest please complete the adoption application form.
Adoption Form
If you'd like to help rehome Belle and Broxie, please read the Adoption Process and then complete the Adoption Form to get started.
We need your Support ...
Our rescue centre relies on the support of the community to look after the dogs in its care.