Luna came from London and arrived on Tuesday 9th January 2025. Being a Great Dane she is a BIG girl and slobbery with it!!
As with all our dogs, we will carry out our own assessment. However, information from her previous foster carer reads as follows:-
It took two of us to get get Luna through my door when she arrived, she was so nervous, she was barking and growling and really defending her position, I didn't feel she was aggressive, more fearful.
She is highly motivated by food so a few treats to begin with and she started to calm down, she was drawn more to females she was extremely fearful of the males in the house, to start with.
She gravitated to me, almost from the start, and I became her person. She followed me around always looking for approval, gradually over a couple of days she started to trust the males in the house and barked less and less when they came in the room. After a week she was cuddling up to everyone.
She liked to lie on the sofa for a cuddle, or she would come to you put her head on your shoulder when you were sitting down and lean in for a big squeeze. She was such a baby. She is very polite , when I fed her and told her to wait she would wait till I told her ok. She gave paws and sat on command, she was very easy to teach.
Out on a walk she was very pully but we had started to work on that, she had fantastic recall and was always aware where I was at any time and if she couldn't see me she raced to find me.
She met another dog out on her walk, she greeted him very nicely and played well I had no issues, off lead, once on the lead she became more guardy but not aggressively so. She loved to play with balls on her walk and in the garden with the kids, she would play football with them.
She was very aware of things around her and would be protective of the house, hearing anyone moving outside she would immediately alert you, she made a very good guard dog.
She seemed to be frightened of everything to start with, she didn't know what to do with a bone full of meat, we had to basically show her. Once she trusts you she will make a very loyal companion. She laid by my side for two days when I was ill with this flu thing.
I think with a bit of confidence she will make a fantastic dog.
I never saw any aggression from her I could take her food bowl away from her half way through her eating with no reaction, she was just a delight to have. She loved to creep up on the bed in the night and snuggle by your feet, then slowly take up half the bed.
The growling and barking in the beginning before she gets to know you is very intimidating to some people, but if you ignore her totally she will come round because she just wants to be loved, and be someone’s special girl.
If you cook anything and leave it unattended on the work top or on your plate, be aware she will help herself to it.
When I had her she was raw fed on tripe, beef, chicken, offal bone, and anything she could steal.
We all loved her.